Saturday, April 23, 2016

It's Go Time!

SO, finally, the night before the race, the half marathon in Nice, France. (Click on photos for full view)
I was so happy to finally arrive, get to the hotel, get to the race expo, pick up my stuff and see my name on the list of runners!
It's been great to see signs for the semi-marathon, to meet up with my group, to share nerves and excitement and feel finally ready to do it.
At least I hope I'm ready! I've been drinking water like a fiend and we had a great group dinner tonight.
My clothes are ready, my number pinned to my shirt, and now I just need to get some rest, eat some breakfast and get ready for go time!
But I need to share just a few thoughts before I say good night.
As the reality of this race has gotten closer and closer, my thoughts have turned to my parents over and over again. It is for their memory and legacy in my life for whom I run tomorrow. They were both such awesome athletes and instilled such a great sense of competition, challenge, and play in me that they would be besides themselves watching me go after this new challenge. So, with their spirits surrounding mine, I know that they will be my biggest fans tomorrow and their inspiration will hopefully give me the boost that I need to finish strong.
I feel pretty good tonight. Now I just have to go do one more run. Like any other Thursday has been for the past several months. 
It's beautiful here.
I think the good Lord knew that I needed the seaside for this big challenge. It is fun seeing a new town and soaking in the atmosphere. 
I will look forward to seeing this sign tomorrow, when my 13.1 miles or 21.1 kilometers are behind me.
To my great fan base in cyber land, I thank you! Your encouragement means more to me than you might ever know.

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